Friday, August 28, 2020

Comparison of Telephone with World Wide Web

Correlation of Telephone with World Wide Web The investigation under examination called Comparison of Telephone with World Wide Web-Based Responses by Parents and Teens to a Follow-Up Survey after Injury investigates sociodemographic factors concerning finishing of a subsequent review through online correspondences and by phone to characterize wellbeing status and wellbeing quality (Rivara et al., 2011).Advertising We will compose a custom article test on Comparison of Telephone with World Wide Web-Based Responses by Parents and Teens to a Follow-Up Survey after Injury explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More According to the outcomes, data got exclusively from the World Wide Web gives inclinations and ambiguities, which implies that information ought to be gathered by different intends to build its unwavering quality and legitimacy. It is significant for an exploration to be morally affirmed which implies that all specialists ought to have the authorization for leading various perceptions and studies (Purdue Onli ne Writing Lab, 2011). Above all, the members ought to likewise be educated whether the meeting reactions will be unknown or not. In the given investigation, the scientists have referenced that all the strategies were constrained by the human subject councils. Subsequently, guardians and kids were reached by a call to illuminate about their permission to an overview. Nonetheless, one purpose of the exploration is by all accounts morally wrong since guardians and youngsters were given money related prizes for partaking into an overview, which implies that specialist expected to get a simple access to results. Be that as it may, the study results have ended up being objective. By and large, the course of examination has been introduced in a steady manner. The researchers have effectively introduced all the methodology and results. Their discoveries depend on target information got from the recognized sources. The measurable information has additionally been handled appropriately. The underlying data and support of the exploration has additionally been adequately introduced. Generally speaking, the theory and went with proof identify with the talked about theme. The exploration complies with the most noteworthy moral and scholarly guidelines. first Interactive Response Conny, your article examination is very thorough. You have effectively figured out how to characterize the essential theory, just as the one that has been dismissed. The fundamental thought of the article has likewise been characterized. Further, moral contemplations are adequately uncovered and numerous references have been made to legitimate assets to help your investigation. Be that as it may, abundance of direct statements doesn't give an impression of understanding the real subject of the article. Next time, be progressively expository and render the thoughts in your own assertion to ensure that you know about the significance of the article. second Interactive Response Cherry, the picked arti cle gives an understanding into significant social and financial viewpoints. You have figured out how to give an inside and out investigation of introduced issues. The showed outcomes uncovered various traps concerning the nature of the led interviews. In particular, understanding utilized condition just as employees’ needs, is basic for reinforcing an ideal maintenance strategy inside an organization.Advertising Looking for article on correspondences media? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Due to the investigation of numerous elements of the work environment, it is conceivable to follow the territories that need improvement and the ones that can be upgraded to build efficiency levels and employee’s execution. At long last, the outcomes have given a new knowledge into the significance of introducing measurable information for deciding. References Purdue Online Writing Lab (2011) Ethical Considerations in Primar y Research. Purdue. Recovered from Rivara, F. P., Koepsell, T. D., Wang, J., et al. (2011, June) Comparison of Telephone with World Wide Web-Based Responses by Parents and Teens to a Follow-Up Survey after Injury. Wellbeing Services Research. 46(3), 964-981.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Are You Certified Essays - CompTIA, Professional Certification

Are You Certified Essays - CompTIA, Professional Certification Are You Certified The effect of innovation in our lives has developed exponentially over ongoing years. The interest for better, quicker, progressively beneficial programming and equipment gear has expanded the requirement for increasingly experienced and better qualified IT (Information Technology) masters. These IT experts must have a level of information and skill that separates them from others in their field. One way industry has set the standard in enlisting such particular people is affirmation. Confirmations are offered in an assortment of claim to fame territories. Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer is one of numerous accreditations offered by Microsoft (MCSD). The MCSD is in the zone of coding, examination, investigating and testing of utilizations. Another is A+ Certification supported by CompTIA that ensures the competency of section level assistance professionals in the PC business. An increasingly esteemed affirmation is the Cisco Certified Internetworking Expert, which yields one of the most significant compensation pay but at the same time is progressively hard to acquire. These previously mentioned confirmations are just three of the few offered by Microsoft, Cisco, Novell, and Oracle. So imagine a scenario in which these confirmations are notable to the business; so consider the possibility that the organizations that are known and regarded overall back them. It is safe to say that they are the serious deal that everybody claims they are? The response to that is truly, and for a few reasons. Turning out to be ensured can upgrade openings for work, affirm confirmation of expert accomplishment, and increment pay likelihood. Affirmation is a useful methods for surveying abilities and experience. As per KB Learning Centers, Inc., Many bosses give inclination in recruiting candidates with accreditation. They see this as verification that a recently recruited employee knows the strategies and advancements required. For individuals new to the business, accreditation can be utilized to quantify their standing and give a beginning stage to building their expert professions. It is likewise obvious that numerous businesses and human asset officials will see affirmations as a main factor between a few candidates. For the individuals who are as of now in the business accreditation can help professional success and pay. These experts are perceived for specific information in their decision of claim to fame territories. Affirmation might be an or more to prepared veterans when a business grants work headways and advancements. Bosses are searching for approaches to guarantee they enlist qualified individuals to direc t PC systems and structure custom applications. Turning out to be confirmed is likewise perceived confirmation of expert accomplishment. Enrollment in a particular friend bunch comprised of individual experts. These people have devoted gigantic measures of time and exertion in anticipation of the affirmation tests. Frequently, when being considered for extra in house or seller preparing, confirmation might be required as an essential, so managers will offer propelled preparing to those representatives who are as of now guaranteed. As the overall population finds out about affirmation, customeivity, in addition to limit organize personal time. Data Week's Emily Kay takes note of that Companies that don't bolster accreditation spend about $14,000 all the more managing system personal time and PC bolster costs. as per IDC. As per an ongoing study by Deloitte and Touche Consulting Group of 1,442 CIOs, seven out of ten organizations overall are experiencing issues in finding the gifted IS staff members they require. What's more, over 80% of those studied said they anticipate their customer/server uses to increment in the next year. In this way, organizations that help representative confirmation can work their systems all the more viably, in addition to exploit the cost investment funds that accompany improved proficiency. Presently like never before, experts need affirmation and partnerships need people with confirmation. Measurements state you'll get more cash-flow MCP Magazine has created compensation reviews for a long time, following the normal pay rates of Microsoft Certified Professionals. The decision - MCP's make more than their non-confirmed partners (of practically identical age and experience). The normal compensation of MCP's expanded over 10% from 1996 to 1997. In any case, arrange organization isn't the main motivation to get affirmed. Since NT has been picking up steam in the corporate world, so have the Back Office set-up of items - SMS, Exchange, SQL Server, just as Web-empowered items like Internet Information Server and Merchant Server. These items offer endeavors a turnkey answer for some IT needs, and these undertakings need individuals who know them all around. Having confirmation on your resume enormously builds your attractiveness to your current, or to a potential, manager. Why Become

Friday, August 21, 2020

Froebels Idea Of The Importance Of Play Education Essay

Friedrich Wilhelm August Froebel ( 1782-1852 ) is ordinarily most popular as the conceiver of the Kindergarten framework. He was a German educationist who was raised with a solid Christian religion, which was polar to his educationist thought. His affection for nature other than gauges overwhelming on his musings and religion. He picked up affirmation from his first significant work in 1826 The Education of Human Nature, however became praised consequently in life when his kindergarten framework picked up acknowledgment. His considerations of kindergarten later flourished in England, America and Australia and his work and musings therefore affected Karl Marx. Froebel had confidence in the trustworthiness in everything saying that: â€Å" an imperishable law overruns and administers all things. The balance of this all-controlling statute is an all-overrunning, living, self witting and in this manner ever-enduring honesty. This honesty is God. † He had confidence in the honesty of comprehension and the interconnectedness of all things. Froebel was of the slant that there are characterized periods of diaper days, adolescence, childhood and masculinity. Stage two of youth was what Froebel esteemed the vast majority of import since he felt that at this stage they start to come to footings with the honesty of the presence and get down inquisitive requests about existence. His trepidation of youth was to such an extent that each child has a faithful piece and is connected to the presence: â€Å" it is, along these lines, with youth that existent guidance starts. At this clasp the head requests more consideration and going to than does th e natural structure † Froebel had faith in the child as essentially great. He said â€Å" the solitary reliable review for irritating any deformities and even shrewdness is to happen the initially great beginnings, the initially great side of the humanaë†â ¦ † his conviction of the inherent integrity of a child identifies with his contemplations that the child ought to be urged to help and instruct themselves in a specific respect. He imagined that solitary human possibilities would come to fruition through crafted by the individual. He accepted that â€Å" the aim of guidance is to advance and steer grown-up male as a witting, accepting and grasping being in such a way, that divine inside law through his ain individual pick ; guidance must demo him the ways and significances of accomplishing that end. † Froebels ‘ solid conviction that children are obviously originative people and through show they become discerning of their topographic point known to man prompted one of his cardinal part of his instructive framework, which is that of dramatization. He felt that widens their worry of the earth they live in. Froebel believed that â€Å" show is the most perfect, most strict action of grown-up male at this stage, † and that â€Å" play, thus, is the most elevated look of human advancement in youth, for it altogether is the free look of what is in the child ‘s ‘ mind. † Froebel set this emphasize on dramatization in Kindergarten with the use of endowments ( play stuffs ) and businesss ( exercises ) . He accepted that universes are fundamentally beneficial and originative and through indicting with the universe, comprehension could bloom. He gave the children a progression of geometrical blessings that were in an arrangement of classs. A blessing was given one at a clasp and the child was left to distinguish its belongingss and opportunities for plan. Here, Froebels thought of respectability was placed into design, as every toy identified with the accompanying in some way, which embodies the trustworthiness everything being equal and things known to man. For delineation, the first â€Å" blessing † is a ball. Froebel composes that we ought to be â€Å" concerned just with the ball itself in its least difficult signifier and in its easiest dealingss. It might be free, or connected to a twine, and in each occasion it very well may be moved eith er openly and uncertainly or vertically, evenly, or sidelong, with notice to given surfaces. Here, in a manner of speaking, it goes about as an attendant into the universe of things, following their lineations by its movements, thus stand foring themaë†â ¦should be considered according to the child himself. † as such, the child is allowed to identify the components of the ball and teach and learn for themselves just by perception and communication with the ball. Froebel imagined that â€Å" Every outer article comes to grown-up male with the challenge to discover its tendency and connections † the succeeding blessing after the ball would be the Globe. Its has evident likenesses to the ball, yet for a child, it speaks to another level of worry, for outline its weight implies that it moves in an alternate way to the ball. The Earth did non segregate or supplant the ball ; it strengthened the old endowment of the ball. The child would come on through periods of blessin gs and simultaneously each period of comprehension. Anyway Froebel was sure that â€Å" only the equivalent improvement of grown-up male at each originating before stage can result and pass on around equivalent advancement at each wining along these lines stage. † He at long last felt that: â€Å" a toy is anything which is identified with the child as offices to a goal, and which, by making wonderful anticipation, calls forward show in which he finds new and continuous pleasance. † The exercises set for the children in Kindergarten included games, vocals and accounts intended to help in centripetal and physical turn of events and socialization. By playing, kids mingle and duplicate adult cultural and monetary exercises as they are a tiny bit at a time drove into the bigger universe of gathering life. This identifies with Froebels ‘ thought of entire child guidance, where the child is being taught all unit of ammo as a man of society. Froebel accepted that the educator understudy relationship ought to be one of correspondence, non approval and felt that there ought to be a solid impact of the parent and kin on the child ‘s instructive procurement and aging. He accepted that the child ought to have an otherworldly guidance each piece great. He states: â€Å" I would instruct human presences who with their pess stand established in Gods Earth, in nature, whose guardianships venture even into Eden and there look at reality, in whose Black Marias are joined both Earth and Eden, the differed life of Earth and natureaë†â ¦ † I have examined Froebels thought of the significance of dramatization in kindergarten and in the advancement of the child. I trust it is one of his generally explicit and most determined components of his academic framework. Anyway In expressing that term from the request, it raises a couple of occupations. Instructional method ordinarily alludes to a learning arrangement of an extensive program on the most proficient method to instruct, though Froebels â€Å" showing strategy † would be non to hold one. He accepted that the child ‘s condition made up the course of study for the guidance and the children would learn themselves in specific manners and comprehend the earth and find things for themselves. He said that: â€Å" aë†â ¦each single researcher adds to, and teams up in, their ain securing. † Through this activity it is clear that Froebel had certain contemplations on youth that started his hypothetical musings on kindergarten, which along these lines gr ew more to the full into a sort of educating technique. In choice unmistakably Froebel was amazingly keen on the cardinal figure of the child and their single securing experience, like that of today ‘s kid focused guidance. Froebel at long last accepted â€Å" the basic worry of the school is non such a long way to go and to pass on an arrangement and assortment of things, for what it's worth to offer noticeable quality to the ever-living trustworthiness that is in all things † Froebels kindergarten framework and his idea of the idea of children are somewhat firm in such manners that he permits the child to teach themselves in the location of the kindergarten thought utilization about his blessings and permits the child a specific opportunity to explore the normal universe and in twist build up their fear of the presence. He needed to create people who were completely adjusted in their guidance and who had certain ethical positions and who were in a way, free personalities. In choice, his general misgiving and reason for kind ergarten was that: â€Å" Education as such, should take grown-up male to an away from of himself, to harmony with nature, to honesty with God. †

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Argumentative Essay Topics about Slavery Tips

Argumentative Essay Topics about Slavery Tips The introduction contains an explanation of the matter, background info, and the author's position. It's crucially important to completely engage yourself in the subject you will write. It isn't a must, but should you care about your topic, it is going to be resembled in your writing. A great method to tell if your topics is an argument topic is to see whether you can debate your topic utilizing the info you find. Bear in mind an argumentative essay is based more on facts instead of emotion. Argumentative essays utilize logic, facts, and reasoning to set the victor. In order to really convince readers of your standpoint, the argumentative essay must also check at the opposing views. Writing a persuasive, argumentative essay can be challenging, and at times it can find a little confusing. A comprehensive argument As mentioned before, an argument does not need to be formal. Your hypothesis assertion needs to be written at the conclusion of the introduction. You should consistently stay on a single side of the argument. Every claim needs to be explained in a different paragraph. An essay arguing that income inequality is the most essential issue of our time as there are large gaps between the wealthy and the poor. Another last component is having the ability to draw out the advantages and disadvantages of the opposition and disprove their argument. While the focus is largely on your side, there's also a discussion concerning the opposing side which goes far beyond a single sentence or a paragraph. You will then have to approach the subject by gathering, generating, and evaluating credible sources to back up your evidence. You could also see academic essay. The essay ought to have a little bit of structure, unlike a normal essay. Your essay should consist of recent statistics and data from reliable sources. You might also see descriptive essay. There are four key components to each argumentative essay, and you're likely to have to include them should you need your essay to convince your readers. There are a few specific elements which are necessary in an argumentative essay. Argumentative essays have to be well-organized. Writing an argumentative essay can occasionally be confusing since you don't necessarily understand how to compose a convincing argument. It is crucial to check reviews about essay writing services in order to be confident they can deliver your task before the deadline. Care ought to be taken that the data utilised in the essay is related to the topic. You may examine the further information on the best way to compose an eye-catching essay introduction with a hook. Then you need to endeavour to choose an appropriate argumentative essay format. Before writing, it's important to bring a different sheet and put down all ideas you have been able to find on a particular issue. The absolute most essential part of your paper is the introduction. The matter here is that it takes so many parts of paper to write just 1 textbook. Below, you will discover an impressive collection of research paper topics on slavery. When people online aren't polite, they don't be concerned about their tone in any way, and it offends people. A lot of people find writing as an effective method to share their suggestions and opinions. You wi ll need to realize that different individuals have various points of view regarding the identical topic, so be patient. Choose from popular topics that folks are passionate about. 1 leading area that students have a tendency to go stumped on is the best way to provide proof to support their claims. You select the topic we'll supply you with high-quality academic help. Various folks need different approaches. There are several of individuals who don't wish to understand what's in their food.

Friday, May 15, 2020

Desdemona Is The Innocent And Beautiful Wife Of Othello

Desdemona is the innocent and beautiful wife of Othello. She defies what her father Brabantio thinks about marrying Othello and boldly does so anyway. â€Å"The courage on both sides in marrying outside their race and social class testifies to the mutual trust and love which lie behind their marriage vows†(Caro, 17). Her naà ¯ve personality, however leaves her exposed to those who have learned how to take advantage of others, like Iago. He takes advantage of Desdemona’s good-hearted nature in order to manipulate the image that Desdemona is cheating on Othello with Cassio. Desdemona’s main motivation throughout the play is the love she has for Othello. She not only elopes without her father’s knowledge of the marriage, but also stays true to her husband throughout the whole play. She even divides her love between Othello over her father Brabantio. DESDEMONA. To my noble father, I do perceive here a divided duty: To you I am bound for life and education; My life and education both do learn me How to respect you; you are the lord of duty; I am hitherto your daughter: but here’s my husband, And so much duty as my mother show’d To you, preferring you before her father, So much I challenge that I may profess Due to the Moor my lord. (1.3.182-190) In this quote from Desdemona she is convincing her father Brabantio that she must divide her love for him and Othello, just like her mother did to her father. In addition, another main motive of Desdemona is that by helping Cassio, sheShow MoreRelatedDesdemonas Death Case Study961 Words   |  4 PagesIn Shakespeare’s Othello, Desdemona is murdered by her husband, Othello, after he is convinced by Iago, without real evidence, that she is cheating on him. Iago manipulates Othello by triggering what he knows to be Othello’s values: reputation and honor. After this tragic murder, the question of who is truly responsible for her death is raised. Although Iago put the ideas that Desdemona cheated into Othello’s head, Othello is solely responsible for the murder of Desdemona as he is the one who physicallyRead MoreEssay about Analysis of an Extract from William Shakespeares Othello980 Words   |  4 PagesAnalysis of an Extract from William Shakespeares Othello In the play Othello, four characters are murdered. The character Iago, who manipulated certain characters into wanting to kill them. Desdemona, Emilia, Othello, and Roderigo, are killed. Iago originally did this out of jealousy of Othello and Roderigo. The deaths of these four characters were inevitable. There was justice in this play for all of the characters who were involved in the killing of the four charactersRead MoreA Summary of Shakespeares Othello Essay852 Words   |  4 PagesDesdemona is a stunning, youthful, white, Venetian debutante. She is her fathers pride and joy, but she refuses to marry any of the rich, handsome Venetian men that her surroundings expects her to spend the rest of her life with. Instead, she elopes with Othello – an older black man, an outsider to Venetian society. Turns out, this is a pretty intrepid move – Desdemona not only defies her fathers expectations (that she marry a white man of his choosing), she also thumbs her nose at a society thatRead MoreOthello, By William Shakespeare1518 Words   |  7 PagesIn William Shakespeare’s Othello, the newlywed couple was truly and madly in love at the time they’re married the couple were unable to consummate the marriage. Perhaps it is because there were a few moments for the pair to be alone together. However when a chance did arrive for the couple to finally have a  "honeymoon†, some unfortunate event would happen and the immediate moment was lost. It is for this reason of this unconsummated marriage that Desdemona’s virginity is a key factor in the fallRead MoreTragedy is mostly seen in characters pure and innocent. The deaths of those whom are innocent have800 Words   |  4 Pagescharacters pure and innocent. The deaths of those whom are innocent have a blindness to see the deceitfulness in others. Characters die who do not deserve their unfortunate fates. Desdemona is the heart of Iago’s plan and her loyalty to Othello eventually leads to her death bed. Emilia’s husband is the villain she hates, but giving him the one item he needs dooms everyone. Othello falls into Iago’s plan as soon as his fatal flaw of jealousy comes into play. In the tragic play Othello, by William ShakespeareRead MoreOthello, a Story of Rejection, Prejudice, Envy, and Revenge1287 Words   |  6 PagesOthello, a Story of Rejection, P rejudice, Envy, and Revenge The play â€Å"Othello† moves around the story of a Moor who has just run away with the beautiful Desdemona and leaves Venice to command the Venetian armies against the Turks on the island of Cyprus. Othello is accompanied by his new wife and his lieutenant, Cassio. When they arrive, they find that the weather has destroyed the Turkish fleet. Iago, the evil antagonist, repeatedly tries to destroy Othello because he is upset Othello gaveRead MoreOthello by William Shakespeare790 Words   |  3 PagesThroughout Othello by William Shakespeare, Othello makes numerous poor decisions due to his jealousy. Hitting Desdemona, trusting Iago, and killing Desdemona are among a few of the poor decisions that he makes. The word jealous can be defined as feeling or showing suspicion of someones unfaithfulness in a relationship. Othello feels suspicious of Desdemona’s and Cassio’s relationship because of the lies that Iago tells him. Many people try to tell Othello the truth bu t he only believes the wordsRead MoreOthello, By William Shakespeare1198 Words   |  5 PagesThe play, Othello, by William Shakespeare is twisted and full of revenge. Throughout the play there is a series of harmful plots and lies caused by Iago, the evil character in the play. Iago hates Othello from the very beginning of the play when Othello promotes Michael Cassio to lieutenant instead of himself. From this moment on, Iago creates a plan full of revenge, leading to Othello’s downfall. Iago uses Othello’s trustworthy nature, insecurities, and jealously to influence Othello into becomingRead MoreOthello, By William Shakespeare1729 Words   |  7 Pagesrough, hard ground for the rest of their lives. In Othello, written by Williams Shakespeare, there are three characters-Iago, Othello and Desdemona, all of which suffer greatly due to their own flaws that covers their eyes and contribute to a mass of misunderstanding and evil plans. Iago fall victim to his jealousy which primarily targets Othello. Right after the fight between Rodgerigo and Cassio, he openly reveals his flaw which is jealousy to Othello as he hypocritically pleads for Cassio : I doRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Othello - Appearance And Reality1279 Words   |  6 Pagesthe play Othello by William Shakespeare, the theme of appearance and reality is central. The relationship between Othello, the protagonist, and Iago, the antagonist, is deceitful, malicious, and troublesome. Iago’s envy of others drives him to destroy the lives of multiple characters by pretending to be their ally. By trusting Iago, Othello s confidence is broken because he realizes he could no longer distinguish reality from lies. At the beginning of the play the protagonist, Othello, is introduce

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Battle Of The Peloponnesian War - 1031 Words

What a society considers fighting, and dying, for says a lot about that society. Homer’s The Iliad, and Thucydides’ The History of the Peloponnesian War are both centered on some of the largest wars that their authors knew about. In the case of The Iliad, this war started when Paris offended the honor of the Spartan king, Menelaus, by taking Helen, the king’s wife. This is just an example of the culture of the times because, right from the start, the Greeks of Homer fight for their honor. Thucydides lived during the Peloponnesian War, hundreds of years after Homer. During those hundreds of years, war itself had fundamentally changed. In The History of the Peloponnesian War, honor was still important, but the war’s main purpose was much more tangible. The main cause of the Peloponnesian War was Athens’ desire for more land, more tribute states, and, most importantly, more power. Both of the works deal largely with why the people in them think the war s are worth fighting. In the case of The Iliad, the battles, both for the states and the people fighting, are fought for honor, while in The History of the Peloponnesian War, Athens fights for the power of her empire. In Homer’s work, the Trojan War is fought not for conquest or wealth but for the honor of the Spartan king Menelaus after he had his wife taken by Paris of Troy. In the eyes of the Greeks, this was a slight on his honor worthy of war. Early on in the work, Helen despairs at being the cause of the war. She lamentsShow MoreRelatedThe Battle Of The Peloponnesian War1494 Words   |  6 PagesThe Peloponnesian War finally ended in 405 BC, when the Athenians stopped to gather fresh water and supplies, leaving themselves vulnerable to the Spartans. The Athenians did a poor job of keeping an eye out for enemy ships, which is an important strategy during war. The Corinthians and Spartans suddenly attacked the Athenians and almost defeated Athens’ entire fleet. A large amount of the 180 Athenian ships were lost, while the 20 Spartan ships came out barely harmed. There could be no possibleRead MoreThe Time Between The Peloponnesian War And The Battle Of Second Mantineia1488 Word s   |  6 PagesThis book is a history of the time between the Peloponnesian War and the Battle of Second Mantineia. During this time period the Spartans had just finished defeating the Athenians in the Peloponnesian War and were now the central power in Greece. As the book continues on you are shown that the city-state of Thebes was rising to power and eventually overtaking Spartan as the main power of the time. The author of the book is Godfrey Hutchinson. He is a historian and is an expert on all thingsRead MoreSparta s Dependence On Persian Money1444 Words   |  6 PagesSparta’s dependence on Persian money in the last years of the war reflects another consequence of this alliance. At the onset of the Peloponnesian War, Sparta positioned itself as the liberators of Greece. They justified their aggression by claiming their primary objective was to free those living under Athenian tyranny. Thucydides claims most Greeks hoped for a Spartan victory, Men’s feelings inclined much more to the Spartans, especially as they proclaimed themselves the liberators of Hellas. NoRead MoreThe Cause that Led to the Beginning of the Peloponnesian War Essay825 Words   |  4 PagesThe Cause that Led to the Beginning of the Peloponnesian War Ancient Greece during 4th Century BC was home to the city states of Sparta and Athens, who during this time were the superpowers of the region. The Peloponnesian war between these city states and their respective allies lasted from 431-404 BC, although conflicts between the two had dated back further. Major fighting in the war occurred from 431-421 and ended in Athenian victory. However, renewed conflict Read MoreThe War Of The Persian War854 Words   |  4 PagesAncient Greece there were many famous wars and conquerors, in every era. These wars were all recorded in early history and lasted a couple of years. The only one that was not, or is thought to be made up, is the Trojan War. The only things they can go off of are the stories and the ruins of the city of Troy. Another famous war was the Persian wars. This war was the first big war between the persian empire and Spartans/Athens. After the Persian war, the Peloponnesian war took place, which was led by spartaRead More Aristophanes the Comic Writer Essay1232 Words   |  5 Pagesthinks is the absurdity of the Peloponnesian War. The comedy is a brilliantly constructed piece with an extremely profound underlying message encouraging a Panhellenic society. He does not see the point of the battles within the country and wishes a unification of the city-states. Therefore through his work he wishes to enlighten the people of Greece. In order to understand the meaning behind Aristophanes’ play, some background history of the events leading up to the war is needed. There are three importantRead MoreAncient Greece : A Single Political Body850 Words   |  4 Pages In the first section of the chapter describing ancient Greece, Paul Cartledge explains that researchers know how and in what way the ancient Greeks surrendered in battle, but do not know exactly why they surrendered since they did not keep a comprehensive account of their surrenders. Cartledge goes on to describe ancient Greece, not as a single political body, but being composed of one thousand separate, widely dispersed entities known as city-states. Some of these city-states, including AthensRead MoreThe Great Peloponnesian War Essay1290 Words   |  6 Pages While the war may have been over, relations between Athens and Sparta continued to go sour. Athens continued to grow in power, and was beginning to pose a threat to Sparta and the Peloponnesian League. A series of conflicts occurred during the â€Å"Thirty Year’s Peace† that pushed Sparta and Athens to war again. For example, Athens intervened in a dispute between a colony and a city-state during the Corinth-Corcyra War. Corcyra (the city-state) was backed by Athens, while Epidamnos (the colony) wasRead MoreThe Topic Of Fate Of Ancient Greece During The Golden Age1136 Words   |  5 Pagesthe Delian League. Sparta, who had left the league shortly after the defeat of the Persians, had created their own league, the Peloponnesian League. The two leagues signed the Thirty Years Treaty, which stated that the two leagues may not fight for thirty years. Athens went against the treaty by helping a city-state who was in the other league. Athens and Sparta declare war against o ne another shortly after. Homer s Illiad and Sophocles Oedipus Tyrannos had an effect on the citizens of Athens inRead MoreThe Major Causes Of The Trojan War And Peloponnesian War1214 Words   |  5 Pagesinterested in war, but war is interested in you† (â€Å"Peloponnesian War†). Ever since the earliest, most ancient wars, fighting has been the most ran-to solution for territorial, power, and social conflicts. As exhibited through the Trojan War, Peloponnesian War, and Corinthian War, territorial controversy, material exchange, and leadership disagreements were the major causes for ancient war. Each war ended with the destruction of a side’s territory and economic stability. Firstly, the Trojan War began when

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Summary of Article Nursing in Ireland

Question: Discuss about the case study Summary of Article for Nursing in Ireland. Answer: Introduction The students of nursing in Ireland have been identified to be in very stressful condition during their studies. The job stress in nursing is increasing regularly among the students. The study suggests the hypothesis, stress sources and ways of dealing among psychiatric nursing students. Method In Ireland, the professional stress in the nursing sector is increasing day by day. The job nursing is related with impaired organisational efficiency, high staff turnover, sickness absence and occupational accident rates, poor practice quality, increased health care costs and reduced job satisfaction (Tully 2004). These are the reasons for which the students of nursing are facing the stress in their regular students life. The level of distress was very higher in the time and the various sources of stress among the students of first year and second year. They are facing lower level stresses and are able to cope up with that but when it comes to the career making, then the second year students are becoming more stressful. The second year students are significantly stressed due to the condition of the jobs. According to the professional demands the experienced students are more required that the fresher. Therefore, the career crisis is making them stressful, which is leading to a psych iatric disease. The study is researching the distress level, sources of stress, coping with the stress. Result The study is reporting the research performed on the students of nursing in the Ireland. The response was taken from the students of General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-30). The responses of these students helped to analyse the level of stress among the students. The Student Nurse Stress Index (SNSI) represents the sources of the stress. There are the students who aged between 17 to 31 years were responded to this questionnaire and maximum respondents (85.7%) among them were staying outside their residence. In addition, many students have changed their accommodation for this but only 45.7% were employed (Tully 2004). 25.4% of the respondents were worked for 6 hours or less than per week. Conclusion The students of nursing were found much stressed in the psychiatric departments. Various stress sources have been identified. Moreover, the study has the implications towards the nursing education and stress management. Reference List Tully, A., 2004. Stress, sources of stress and ways of coping among psychiatric nursing students.Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing,11(1), pp.43-47.