Friday, December 20, 2019

Introduction Of The Death Penalty Debate - 1523 Words

Introduction to the Death Penalty Debate It was said by an Iowa State Supreme Court justice in the 1840s, â€Å"Crime indicates a diseased mind in the same manner that sickness and pain do a diseased body. And as in the one case we provide hospitals for the treatment of severe and contagious diseases, so in the other, prisons and asylums should be provided for similar reasons† (Banner, 2002, p.118). Individuals who have committed crimes serve their sentences and punishments, or are â€Å"treated†, in prisons. Prisons offer a state of confinement for criminals, all of whom must undergo a proper and humane punishment in a reasonable amount of time for the crimes in which they have committed. There are times, however, where capital punishment takes place and the criminal faces death as their punishment for the crime. When criminals are faced with the death penalty, controversy arises, strengthening the debate as to whether death is a proper and justifiable form of punishment for the criminal. The death penalty sh ould not, under any circumstances, be acceptable in the criminal justice system since it diminishes the purpose of prisons and sentences and provides criminals with an â€Å"easy way out.† Supreme Court Cases in regards to Capital Punishment For approximately forty years, the United States Supreme Court has implemented efforts to regulate the application and administration of the death penalty. Throughout this time period, there have been a number of cases that have framed anShow MoreRelatedBureau Of Justice Statistics : The United States Primary Source For Criminal Justice1439 Words   |  6 Pagesefficient and evenhanded. The website is relevant to my topic as the site have information such as information on executions, trends, clear definition, and time between imposition of death sentence and execution. The site was revised the same date of access, therefore the information is up to date and would be useful. Death Penalty: Pros and Cons n.p.13 Apr. 2009. Web. 25 Nov. 2014. is a nonprofit public charity. It provides resources for critical thinking without bias. The informationRead More Death Penalty: Ineffective, Inhumane, and Immoral Essays1228 Words   |  5 PagesThe death penalty is the pivot of much controversy within our society and government. Most people deem it a touchy subject, rarely making it a hot topic amongst general conversations. The issue usually raises many a blood pressure and may even have the tendency to end life-long friendships. The country is split on the issue and does not seem to find the desire to come to a compromise. 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After reading the article in the textbook, two other articles, and looking at statistics, I seem to feel that the death penalty may not be the right answer. The article in the textbook The Death Penalty in the United States and Worldwide was fairly informative. One of the points it brought up was the cost of life without

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