Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Production Of Production Activities - 1721 Words

Production Activities This section is an overview of the demands and tests associated with the integrity of well during production from and injection to a reservoir. The process begins after the well construction/well intervention organization has handed the well over to the production organization and concludes with a handover back to drilling and well organization for intervention, work-over or abandonment. Well integrity during this phase is used to keep hydrocarbons from the pay zone inside the well and by protecting it from leaking off to contaminating groundwater for environmental purposes. Well barriers are an envelope of one or several dependent barrier elements preventing fluids or gases from flowing unintentionally from the formation to the surface and are designed and used to prevent leakages and reduce the risk associated with drilling, production and intervention activities. The main functions of a well barrier are to prevent any major hydrocarbon leakage(s) from the well to the external environment during normal production or well operations and to shut in the well on direct command during an emergency shutdown situation and thereby prevent hydrocarbons from flowing from the well out. During production, a perfectly reliable well barrier element(s) is paramount to containing the hydrocarbons inside the well. Well barrier elements are several objects that prevent formation fluids from flowing inside the well. They could be anything from packers or tubing orShow MoreRelatedProduction Planning and Control Activities1664 Words   |  7 PagesASSIGNMENT 4 Production planning and control is considered as a backbone of the production. All inputs including the demand, forecasting, capacity should be analysed . The wrong input in the planning will cause problem to the production. 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